Release notes: 20230727_13105962
Thursday, July 27, 2023 | Dr Rich Lane
Small build that fixes a some user reported issues and offering speed improvements.
Admin: General: User permissions are correctly applying.
Admin: General: Dev settings URL check checks for strings over boolean.
Admin: Ecomm: Import will forcible stringify slugs for product on import now so invalid slugs are not imported incorrectly.
Admin: Webapps: Tool tip for webhooks icon on webapp list view so it is clear what the icon means.
Admin: Forms: Forms will display attachements with a link.
Admin: Frontend: Seperation of frontend url presign and admin version.
Admin: Frontend: Frontend API endpoints have been moved into their own section.
Admin: Frontend: Forms have a hard limit maximum of 10 items and 10MB in total for attachments.
Admin: General: User permission errors will now log for debugging.
Admin: General: Code cleanup.