Release notes: 20230627_14243958

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 | Dr Rich Lane

This build allows admins the ability to quickly see which webapps have webhooks enabled on them. In addition, webhooks for webapps can now be manually executed in cases where you might want to execute code, publish to an external API or receive information from an API. This method gives the user the ability to use a webapp as an external configuration function. Various bug fixes, speed improvements and code optimisations were also implemented.


Admin: Webapps: Webhook icon displayed in webapp list when webapp has one or more webhook enabled. Allows to easily see which webapps have webhooks attached.
Admin: Webapps: Ability to manually run a webhook without having it also executed on add, edit or add/edit. Ability to run a webhook manually and adhoc, useful when you want to "process" a record or convert something.


Admin: Webapps: File upload using property type when nothing was uploaded (and not required) was giving an error.
Admin: Webapps: WYSIWYG editor for embedded images in content (bad practice) wasn't uploading images correctly after permissions implmentation.
Admin: Webapps: Background saving for webapps (and users) was not saving correctly.


Admin: Webapps: Re-worded re-execute to Manually (re)do webhook.
Admin: Webapps: Error messages on add / edit webapp items now upgraded to pretty version.
Admin: General: Favicon now has stroke so it is more visable on both light and dark mode.
Admin: General: Removed unneeded debugging information.
Admin: General: Updated remaining CSRF_TOKEN to _global variable.
Admin: General: Branding updated on login page.
Admin: General: General code cleanup.