Release notes: 20230619_15215867
Monday, June 19, 2023 | Dr. Rich Lane
Embedded AI tools for webapps! Allow AI to be a suggestion option for select text and textarea fields, allowing for spelling and grammar, longer text, shorter text and rephrasing (spinning). Major backend improvements and secure socket based communications to allow faster interaction from the admin interface to the backend. Also allowing disconnected thread communications from background jobs back to logged in users in realtime!
Admin: Webapps: AI content functions built in! Text and textarea fields (all types) have an option to enable AI to assist with Spelling & Grammar, making text longer, making text shorter, rephrasing text (spinning) and more to to come. Generically built with current engine being ChatGPT. Future upgrades will allow for different engines and modals. Usage is disabled by default but can be enabled on any instance by talking to the DataOT team.
Admin: General: Site functions enabled and disable (currently a config file needs to be edited).
Admin: General: System level websockets [ws]. Allows for messages and commands to to pushed to connected end clients. Custom targetted disconnected callbacks (no more 5 second timeouts for long calls and frontend interfaces can get responses from background jobs). Future expantion to work into realtime feeds.
Admin: [ws]: Toast notifications, pretty alerts, and (force) logout user. Send messages and alerts to users (or force log them out).
Admin: [ws]: Server wide channel messaging.
Admin: [ws]: Programic background tasks with callbacks on completion. Fire X function after a background task is complete. e.g. send a [ws] channel message to a user that the background task has completed.
Admin: Users: See who is online (active in the last 5 mins).
Admin: Webapps: Correctly injecting only once now for form elements that require JS libs.
Admin: General: Fixed site area permission saved as a string and not an array.
Admin: General: Permissions should work on production after upstream providor fix.
Admin: General: DataOT rebranding started, logos and copyright lines changed.
Admin: API: General API POST now also supports JSON payloads with optional switch.
Admin: General: Removed warn errors in console for missing .map files.
Admin: General: Added some extra logging for remote endpoints.
Admin: General: Minified slugify.js.