Release notes: 20230530_12331546
Tuesday, May 30, 2023 | Dr Rich Lane
New webapp views categories and grouping. Views can be inside different categories and different categories can be selected per webapp for a combined line. Allows for a better UI and not to be confused with different views from other webapps. Plus new speed improvements.
New: Admin: Webapps: Forms as related items in webapps.
New: Admin: Webapps: Nuggets as related items in webapps.
New: Admin: Webapps: View categories, views can be inside different categories and different categories can be selected per webapp for a combined line. Allows for a better UI and not to be confused with different views from other webapps.
New: Admin: Webapps: Markdown editor as a textarea with filtered richtext pasting.
New: Admin: General: get page by filter graphql.
New: Admin: General: get partial by filter graphql.
New: Admin: General: update partial by filter graphql.
New: Admin: General: Form render has a new "render once" function that allows to inject JS libs once based on what is used on the page. Currently only being used for markdown (Quill).
Admin: Filemanger: File uploads work again in file manager.
Admin: Filemanger: Permissions correctly applied to file manager.
Admin: Webapps: List webapp views now no longer select all views.
Admin: Webapps: Graceful error shows when data connection has been removed for a remote webapp. You can remove the remote webapp (without removing the data) or add the data connection again using the same slug.
Admin: Webapps: Fixed issue where the table name was incorrectly being used (slug vs database name and - character)
Admin: Webapps: Webapps with no webhooks no longer produce errors in the log.
Admin: General: System remote connection string now correctly saved.
Admin: General: Remote records now doesn't produce warnings in the log for primary queries.
Admin: General: Improved checking if system remote connection strings are missing.
Admin: General: Permissions applied correctly to generic presign URL get.
Admin: Filemanger: Now uses global CRSF Token to upload.
Admin: Ecomm: Stripe payments will now say the generator is dataOT and not OOC-CMS.
Admin: Ecomm: Initital shopping cart token is now dropped later in the DOM load for speed increases.
Admin: Webapps: Remote webapps now uses global CRSF Token to save.
Admin: Webapps: Form graphql relationship now shows more than 20 items.
Admin: Webapps: Views menu change.
Admin: General: API saves using background now using backgrounder function.
Admin: General: Quill edit now locally hosted.
Admin: General: Render dynamic layouts now its own function.
Admin: General: Remote records has better logging for query errors on the remote instance.
Admin: General: Generator metadata changed from OOC to dataOT.
Admin: General: Alot of code cleanup.
Admin: OOCMAN: Code cleanup.