Release notes: 20230208_160708
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 | Dr Rich Lane
New multiple webhooks for webapps with refire options (single or all). Allowing for complex workflow to be attached to a webapp action. (add / edit / add + edit). Alot of under the hood improvements.
Admin: Webapps: Re-fire / resend enabled webhook(s). Give options to run a single webhook or all in series.
Admin: Webapps: Ability to have multiple webhooks that run in series. This will allow for more multiple and more complex workflows attached to webapps.
Admin: Webapps: Internal eval webhook. Ability to run a local process on a webapps on set conditions.
Admin: Webapps: Better sanitised some variables in config page.
Admin: Webapps: Data was not being bound on a frontend webapp API webhook.
Admin: General: Better logic checking for Webhooks hwen disabled.
Admin: General: Double sort now optionally only sorts one dimention and optionally can disable grouping if that is what you want to do.
Admin: General: get_records_select now has optional include_allprops argument to return all properties in the query.
Admin: Webapps: Internal webhooks now only display the columns required like forms.
Admin: Webapps: Only save webhooks that contain post information (EVAL) or a URL (HTTP).
Admin: Webapps: Removed additional check for webapp webhook from frontend API as that check is done by the webhook itself.
Admin: Webapps: Resend webhook function is now generic.
Admin: General: Optional data returned on get_records_select with table info and pagination data.
Admin: General: Eval function now uses API when avaiable with fall back on existing method.
Admin: General: string_or_json_to_singlearray function simplified to 1 line. Speed increases due to zero checks.
Admin: General: Better escaping of content that might break UIs in several places.
Admin: General: Updated several deprecated POS filters in several areas.
Admin: General: Unescape javascript function now uses native filters since POS built them for us.
Remove: Admin: Webapps: Removed the edit button on the right side because you can press the title to get to the edit page. The title is a requirement.