Release notes: 20221215_163526

Thursday, December 15, 2022 | Dr Rich Lane


Admin: Forms: "Local webhooks" - eval / excutes code after submission without API call. This is good when you want to "do something" after an action, send additional email, format some data etc.
Admin: Ecomm: "Local webhooks" - eval / excutes code after submission without API call. This is good when you want to "do something" after an action, send additional email, format some data etc.
Admin: Webapps: select all extended (all webapp items in webapp) and bulk delete. This is a big time saved so you can select all the items within the webapp and delete them if required.
Admin: Webapps: Bulk remap views for webapp items. This is a big time saver, if you want to remap or change, in bulk, a view for a webapp item (or remove it) this is now possible.
General: API: Generic POS API poster. This is good because technical.


Admin: Webapps: Bulk delete working correctly now.
Admin: Permissions: WIP Remote webapps now correctly list correctly for access manager.


Admin: Forms: HTTP Classes saved in admin tool are now exposed on the frontend. This is good because you can set classes in the form for example to represent pages to display or inital view states.
Admin: Webapps: Add local / remote webapp dropdown will only appear if you have configured a remote API connection sting. In an effort to hide advanced functionality until requested and because there was no need to have an option to create a remote webapp if no connection strings had been setup yet.
Admin: Permissions: Webapp and core permissions now use the same table. Less resourses are better.
Admin: Permissions: Webapp slug is also saved in permissions for situtations where you might need one or the other (other being the ID). You never can be too careful.
Admin: General: Pagination will now say 5 of 5 if there are only 5 records in the database rather than saying 5 of (units per page). Look and reads much better.
Admin: General: GraphQL-ifed (file) a few queries for cleaner code. Clean code is good code.
Admin: General: Code cleanup and whitespace removal. See above.
Admin: General: Moved several background codes to backergounder for cleaner code. See above again.