Release notes: 20220304.230138
Friday, March 4, 2022 | Dr Rich Lane
Admin: General: Hubspot form compiler. Webhook information reduced to 4 lines.
Admin: General: Email notifications graphql.
Admin: Forms: hcaptcha now plays nice with forms with payments and disables the submit button independently.
Admin: Webhooks: Code optimizations and exposure of payload information.
Admin: File manager: Removed excessive logging that slows down indexing.
Admin: File manager: Indexer runs on uploader (inside filemanager only).
Admin: General: API send call graphql now outputs headers.
Admin: General: Code block function to render email notifications while only doing the query once.
General: Eval function now passes a payload if required.
General: Code cleanup, speed increases, and whitespace removal.
General: Upgrading various graphql model to record.