Release notes: 20220210-155414

Thursday, February 10, 2022 | Dr Rich Lane


Admin: CRM: Export CRM config.
Admin: CRM: Import CRM config, requires a blank CRM field config to do it.

Admin: Mailers: Now function with sites with over 500 users.
Admin: Mailers: Emails currently logged in user a record of sync numbers (and failures) at the end.
Admin: General: Generic email template allowing liquid code to send: to, from, subject, and body.
Admin: General: get_custom_fields graphql.
Admin: General: record_update_wherenamevalue graphql - update single column in table based on a filter condition.
Admin: General: record_update_wherenamevalue_json graphql - update single column JSON in table based on a filter condition.


Admin: Mailers: Mailers JS now correctly handles real JSON output from the API.
Admin: Mailers: Updated mailers JS to correctly handles real JSON output from the API.
Admin: CRM: "Undefined" alert error message no longers displays when saving a CRM record (Jag and MST have mentioned).


Admin: Mailers: Mailchimp API POST and GET template updated to escape correctly.
Admin: Mailers: Audiences now display upto 10,000 users.
Admin: Mailers: Changed to graphql api_call_send to allow timeouts to work.
Admin: Mailers: Optimizations to speed everything up, less DB calls.
Admin: Mailers: Mailchimp unique slugs will only send if the slug is not blank.
Admin: CRM: Unique slugs are no longer automatically generated for CRM columns without a name so that CRM's with over 30 records (Mailchimp limit) will be able to save and synced to mailchimp.
Admin: CRM: Encode values better in settings load.
Admin: General: api_call_send graphql outputs status now.
Admin: General: Speed optimzations on form_render (this needs to go client side in the future).
Admin: General: jquery.ui now located from POS CDNs for speed up in form renders.
Admin: General: White space and unneeded comments removed.