Release notes: 20220119.000024

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 | Dr Rich Lane

Release notes


Admin: CRM: Forms can now be joined by optional user_id as well as email address.
Admin: CRM: Form payments now render out the details in the same manner as the forms section itself.
Admin: Filemanager: File indexing service - currently a manual button until scheduled tasks can be implemented.
Admin: General: Migrate deprecated folder names to new structure button (currently only works for graph_queries -> graphql).
Admin: CRM: Client side JSON API endpint for eway status codes.
General: Payments: All payment API calls now have an external API timeout of 30 seconds (but since this is not processing in the background it's not 100% correct - will have to monitor).
General: API: Generic external API caller graphql ('modules/_admin/api_call_send') with options payload, template, timeout_sec.


Admin: Filemanager: After indexing (which takes some time depending on the site) the filemanager should no longer timeout with the query sizes. Upload and download has been disabled for now.
Admin: CRM: Form details now display.


General: Changed all 2021 copyright to 2022.
Payments: All payment API's use same graphql call now.
CRM: Form payments rendering is handled client side.
CRM: Various white space cleanup.