Release notes

Monday, March 7, 2022 | Dr. Rich Lane


Admin: Timezones: Server timezone (if selected) displays again.
Admin: System tables: global init included now for all system table pages.


Admin: Webapps: Webapp publish(ed) date in list and edit view is now reflective of the server instance timezone. Save all times in the current timezone and magically everything will work as it should have been doing anyway (dev's please test your code).
Admin: API: global init included now.
Admin: General: Changed setting_update_json to use record_update - please don't use customization_* if you don't have to as they are deprecated.
Admin: webapps: Expire date will display as blank if the date is greater than the year 9900 to take into account new UTC offset changes.
Admin: General: Whitespace and code cleanup.


Removed: Admin: File manager: Indexer is disabled due to bug with partial updater mutation. POS are actively fixing now, it will be back shortly.